Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Jewelry

An array of bits and bobs that haven't been finished yet

I have a bunch of pieces in process, but none quite ready for Etsy.  Resin casting a a reasonably quick process, but the finishing can take a lot of time.  Sanding can be very time consuming, but it makes such an unbelievable difference in the appearance and comfort of the finished piece.

I've also been working on more pieces that aren't resin centered.  I just posted a crocheted endless necklace. I have made a few different ones for myself, but this is the first I have posted.  I wear mine a lot.  The fibromyalgia makes my skin very sensitive and a lot of the time chains are irritating or painful.  The fiber necklaces are so lightweight that they don't bother my skin.
Did I mention it can also be worn as a bracelet?

I also posted the first of my glitter necklaces.  These are so fun and sparkly! These are tubing that is chock full of glitter and can be made in custom colors or blends.  The magnetic clasp is so convenient, particularly when my hands aren't quite working right.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I haven't been posting because I have been using my energy up trying to get and etsy shop set up! It has been fun.  I have a few items up and I made a sale, which was very cool.  I am working on some more unique items that should go up soon, but photography is difficult for me, sot it often takes a few days worth of picture taking and editing because I get something that seems worthy to go up.

Here are a few that are in my shop right now:

I have a few bangle bracelets that should go up this week, that I am in love with.  I'm tempted to keep them, but I'm trying not to inflate my jewelry collection at the moment.

In other crafty news, I'm working on a scarf for myself.  I bought some pretty sequined yarn at Daiso a while back and am using it for a lover's knot scarf.  I have never used this stitch before and it is really lovely.  The sequins are a little problematic because they don't want to pull through the stitches, but otherwise this yarn is great for it.  Amelia is Rabbit posted the best tutorial I have found for it so far.  the only alteration I make is that the first lover's knot of each row should be a bit longer than the rest to give the stitches room to expand.