Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Choose fabric is hard sometimes
Saturday, April 23, 2011
In which I actually did something instead of just thinking about it.
I still need to make the changes to the back piece and the front band, then I should be able to sew up a quick muslin and check the fit. I have a feeling I will need to add a bit more at the hips and maybe a touch more length, since most big 3 patterns are drafted way too short for me.
I probably could ave gotten more done, but I decided that I desperately needed to paint my nails...
Friday, April 22, 2011
The plan?
- straighten the button placket
- lengthen the shoulder to underbust piece
- lengthen the underbust to hips
- remove some of what I think is excess ease based on the finished measurements listed on the envelope
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Velvet Bodice: part II
These grommets were horrible, but I don't think it was a result of my skill. I just bought cheap grommets because I didn't know any better.
The wrap-up:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Velvet Bodice: part I
What I like:
Once again, I made my own bias tape to finish the edges and to make the straps, and my application was lots better on this garment, since there weren’t so many curves. The bias tape is made from a heavy synthetic fabric. It is sort of satin-y, but I think it may have been meant to be a utility fabric, but I thought it went really well with the colors in the velvet. I found the velvet at Joann’s and I bought half a yard because that was all I could afford at the time. I had never seen anything like it and that was a huge part of the allure of this fabric. I remember thinking it was sooo expensive at over $20/yard.
This actually fit pretty well considering it was probably the first pattern I had ever drafted, and I didn’t bother with a mock up. I doubt I had ever heard of a mock up or muslin. It didn’t pinch and it wasn’t uncomfortable. The straps were even the right length.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Under the weather and unproductive
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What to do next
I really like the lines of the short sleeve version of this top. A lot of the versions are more than a bit fussy, but I like the lacing detail on the back.
This pattern is a lot like a shirt I have, that I really love except it doesn't quite fit like it should. My store bought version is too short in the bust, so the gathers hit a bit high on me.
I would definitely have to alter the button placket, since I don't like that split look at the bottom.
What do you think? Jeans? Slacks? A shirt? Something else entirely?
In non-sewing news of the day, Saturday was bath day for my cats. Neither of them are happy.
I seem to have developed an allergy to Ferret, the white and grey one, and I am hoping that regular bathing will make it so I can pet her without itching for hours afterwards.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Jeans wrap-up
Friday, April 15, 2011
Stage Fright?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The jeans are done!
I sewed on the tiny watch/ticket pocket before I did my fitting, and almost ended up losing the pocket. The side seam is actually a bit farther back that I would like, because I didn't want to lose the cute little pocket.
The pockets ended up turning out really well. They aren't perfect, but they look really good.
I am going to wear them on Friday and will post action shots then, assuming I get around to actually taking pictures.
Of pom poms and apartments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
seam rippers
Monday, April 11, 2011
Quick & Dirty Tutorial: Fur Pom Poms
What you need:
Fur (You can find faux fur at most fabric stores, or you can sacrifice a teddy bear)
Some strong thread or embroidery floss in a color that blends into your fur
A tiny bit of stuffing (either fiber fill or a cotton ball or two)

A note on thread choice: I used 3 strands of black embroidery floss. I used black so you can see it clearly in the photos, but you should try to use something that blends into either your fur or whatever you plan to sew your pom pom to. I wouldn't recommend using all-purpose thread for this, since just one line of stitches is holding the pom pom together.
1) Cut a 3 1/2" square from your fur. When you cut fur it is important to cut just the backing and not the pile, AKA the furry bit, especially if it is very plush or long. I think short skinny scissors like the ones in the picture or little embroidery scissors make this easier.
2) Snip the corners off of the square. Don't forget to just cut the backing, not the pile.
3) Start a running stitch on the right side of your fur, about 1/2" from the edge of your fur. Run the stitch all the way around the circle, making sure to end on the right side.
4)Start pulling the ends of your threads, so the fur begins to close up line a drawstring bag. Use your fingers to tuck the raw ends into the pom pom, and then pull it closed. Don't knot anything yet!
5) Look at your pom pom. Does it look full and happy or shriveled and emaciated? If you used a realy plush fur, it is likely that you pom pom will be nice and round thanks to the stuffing supplied by the raw edges of the fur fabric, but if you used a shorter fur, you should add some stuffing. Just loosen the threads and shove a bit of stuffing in there. Mine took a jumbo cotton ball's worth of fiberfill.
6) Pull the ends of the thread tight and use a square knot to keep it closed.
7) Use the ends of your thread to sew or tie your new pom pom to anything you like!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
So close and yet so far

I got a lot done today. The jeans are fitted, the fly is in. I just need to add the waistband, sew on the back pockets, add the button, and hem. I think the gear embroidery turned out great. I can't wait to see everything together, but I don't know if I will get much sewing done tomorrow. Maybe Monday.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The pieces are cut
I just finished cutting out the pieces for my jeans. Most of them, at least. I want to have a contour waistband, so I want to wait until I decide exactly where these jeans will sit before cutting it. Also, I haven't cut the back pockets because I am lazy.
In related news, I sat on my foot too long while cutting the pieces and I have a horrendous cramp in my foot. Ow.
Friday, April 8, 2011
More denim ruminations
Please excuse the bad photos. They were taken with my phone in my cube at work...
I haven’t done anything sewing related in a couple of days. I received the denim for my jeans yesterday. It isn’t quite as stretchy as I expected, but I love the color. The buttons I ordered are even cooler in person than they were on the website, but I have no idea what I will use them for. If only they were less expensive! The blue pinstripe will hopefully end up being a pair of slacks and maybe a skirt.
Today, while I am at work, B is being awesome and prewashing and drying it for me. Tonight I am going to cut out the pieces with a very generous seam allowance, so I can hopefully start construction tomorrow morning. I have been reading and rereading this zipper fly tutorial at Stitches and Seams, trying to figure it out. I think I get it, but I will find out when I actually attempt it.
I want to embroider the back pockets, because that is a detail that I love in RTW. At this point I am leaning towards a minimalist, lines-only, embroidery of a couple of gears. In my head I see it as about 1/4 of a large gear with a smaller gear. I am very much in a steampunk phase right now, which I worry may be pushing me in a bad direction. I really like the idea but I can't seem to put it on paper yet.All week I have been examining people's jeans. What do I think about the pocket placement on her's? The topstitching on his? It helped me to realize something. I actually like the fading details that they put on commercial jeans now. I’m not especially fond of crotch whiskers, but I do like a bit of fading on the front of the thighs. I’m not entirely sure how to get this look, though. Spray on some bleach? Sponge on the bleach? Hand held sander? I think all three would work, but which is more reliable? It would be annoying to go to all the work, make a great looking pair of jeans, and then make them look as though they had contract some catastrophic denim disease in trying to fade them. What do you think? What would you do?